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Dedicated to promoting cycling in the Memphis and Mid South community

Hightailer News

The Tailwind Newsletter for 10-24-08

Published on 10/24/2008


 Club Fed Veteran's Day Ride -- November 11th 9 am Belz Factory Outlet Mall, 40 miles


BCB Feedback Wanted


Memphis Bike-Related Blogs




Hi y'all.


Great riding weather this weekend-- It is getting a little cooler, so, guys (and gals) 'Tis the season to wear things like knee warmers and knickers. Express yourself.

November Club Meeting


Memphis Hightailers Bicycle Club and all friends of cycling


What:  Club Meeting / Social

Purchase of a burger or other bar food comes with two free domestic beers of your choice—what a deal!!! 


Special Guest Speaker—Joe Royer, co-owner Outdoors, Inc.

Topic: All ‘Crossed Up! 

  • Did you know Cyclocross is currently the fastest growing segment of the bicycling world.
  • Did you know that on November 16th the 22nd Outdoors, Inc. Cyclocross Championship will be held here in Memphis.


Where:  Ernestine and Hazel’s | 531 S. Main, Memphis, TN 

When:  November 3, 2008 | Time 6:30 p.m.  

How: There is no fee—but please follow the following link for registration.  Please register because Ernestine really wants to know how many people to expect so she can have proper staff on hand.



Rick Sykes Rides 252 miles and lives


This is a great write up of a 252 mile ride that Rick Sykes completed- according to Rick, "Truly an epic ride and a singular, existential  experience for me." It is a good read.


Read about Rick's ride. You'll be inspired.


The Tour da’ Delta is set for 8:00 a.m. on November 1 in Helena, Arkansas.  Hammer out the last ride of the season and enjoy great riding, good times, and some fantastic post-ride BBQ.  Enjoy historic paddleboats that are going to whistle the beginning of the ride and then it’s your option of 30, 62, or 100 miles. 


Check out to pre-register.


This is a great ride---the ride across the Mississippi River Bridge is way cool!  And the post ride BBQ alone is worth the price of admission.


Helena is only one hour and forty five minutes or less from East Memphis.


Save $15 bucks by registering online at


Extended weather forecast currently (on 10/22/08) calls for:

    * Roll out temp 48F increasing to 60F by mid afternoon
    * 72% Cloud Cover
    * Some gusty wind

(this is of course subject to change by ride day)



Honoring all who have served- Veteran's Day Ride on Tuesday, November 11th. 40 miles, departing from Belz Factory Outlet Mall at 0900.


Do the Corporate Slave Drivers say that you should work on Veteran's Day? That's Fubar. Honor before Capitalism. If your employer makes you work on Veteran's Day, quit; or at a minimum, call in sick, scr$w it. Selling more widgets is ALWAYS less important than Veteran's Day. Will you sell yourself to The Man and choose to go to work that day? I hope not. (Note: Editor's Personal Opinion, not an official opinion of MHBC or anyone else I know other than a few million Veterans).


The Five "Be's" for Cyclists :

When you are sharing the road with others, be:


1. Alert  

2. Visible

3. Predictable

4. Assertive 

5. Courteous


Weekly Hightailer Rides



Saturday & Sunday Morning 8 am: the Superlo Rides

The weekly Saturday & Sunday morning rides will leave from the parking lot in front of Super Lo on Southern between Perkins and Colonial.

The rides usually travel between 25-30 miles.  Avg. speeds range from 12 to 18 or so mph. Saturday's group is usually larger and often has a wide variety of riders from beginner to advanced. Sunday is generally smaller and a bit more relaxed in general. The rides have rest stops at grocery or convenience stores near the midpoint.

Want more info? E-mail Cliff H 


Vic's Saturday Morning Ride --  8 am departure 


Depart from the Outlet Mall on Canada Road and I-40.  Average speed is 16-18, with 2 or 3 different mileage routes each week.

Vic Butcher



Sunday Afternoon -- Hustle & Flow with the Saints and Sinners, 4:00 p.m. 

Are you a saint who went to church on Sunday morning? Or are you a sinner who partied too much and just woke up on Sunday afternoon? Either way, this is the ride for you.

Intermediate pace (15-19 mph) 25-40 miles.  We try to be aware of riders with different abilities and pace preferences-- we will try to not really drop anyone, but sometimes we fail at this endeavor.

Varied routes, mostly urban.  Lots of bumps, holes, tracks, and glass. Orange Mound, Windermere, Frayser, Shelby Farms, North Memphis, Beale, Summer Avenue, Trolley tracks, Hooters, Stax, Elmwood, Hollywood. Flats can happen - be prepared.

Want a tame, sedate, bucolic, suburban nature ride? This isn't it.  Departs from Super Lo, 4 pm More info? E-mail Cliff H



Thursday Night Thrill Ride-- No more rides until Spring.



 Thursday Night -- The Howard-McVay Park ride -- No more rides until Spring.


Revolutions Bike Classes 


  • Saturday October 25: A Bicycle Maintenance Crash Course

Participants learn bike basics: maintenance required for all bikes, simple explanations of how a bike should fit, and concise demonstrations of common repairs—like how to change a flat tire!

  • Saturday November 1: Brakes: We love em’, but how do we fix em’?

Brakes come in a variety of styles, including linear pull, side pull, center pull and coaster.  This workshop will explain the different types of brakes found on bicycles, and provide detailed demonstrations of how to improve the braking quality of your bicycle.

  • Saturday, November 8 (Part I): Bicycle Wheels

Wheels are made up of many parts that all require special attention.  This workshop focuses on how to asses the condition of wheels, the quality of the rubber, the status of a hub, and the trueness of a wheel. The workshop will include demonstrations for how to fix a flat, adjustment a hub, and true a wheel.

  • Saturday November 8 (Part II): Finding the Right Bike and Making it Fit!

Any bike you ride is a good bike, but some feel better to ride than others.  Why is that? This workshop will deal with the different styles of bicycles available today, the materials bike frames are made of, why bikes handle differently, and how to find the right bike frame for your body type and riding style. This workshop will also explain how to make your current bike fit better.

  • Saturday, November 15: Rotational Systems

What is a rotational system? Why does it rotate? And who cares about a rotational system, really? Well, all cyclists should know and care about their rotational systems! Learn the basic idea behind all three rotational systems on your bike, and learn how to overhaul (disassemble, degrease, re-grease, reassemble and tune) headsets, hubs and bottom brackets.

  • Saturday, November 22: Advocating for Safe Streets

What does a bicycle friendly community look like?  Are bike lanes a cure all Memphis’ bicycling woes?  Will Memphis ever become a bicycle friendly community?   This workshop will attempt to answer some of these questions, and provide information about what is happening right now to make Memphis a bike friendly town.  Participants will learn ways to become a bike advocate.  

All classes are located at Revolutions Community Bicycle Shop, 1000 S. Cooper St. Memphis TN, 38104


All classes are free to Revolutions Members--$10 per course for everyone else.  Classes begin promptly at 10 a.m.


Please call or e-mail to reserve a spot in each class or become a Revolutions member: or 901.949.1201



Support your local bike shop-- They have rides of all sorts. Riding with a shop or with the Hightailers is a great way to learn new routes. 

Bike Shops and links to their rides are listed here:



Critical Mass - NEW LOCATION! Overton Park SW entrance at Poplar and Tucker. Last Friday of the month, 6 pm or so. No charge, no t-shirt, no plan other than to gather and ride together.



Fixed Gear Track Races, More - Due to the success of past flat track attacks we are now going to have track races every other Saturday. East High School Track, 7pm. Brakes optional. Check the blog Fix Memphis


Out of Town Rides:Riding a bike is a great way to get a feel for an area. And, most of the time it is cheaper than driving to California.



Enjoy the rides--

Cliff H.

Deadline: If you have an item you would like to have included in the newsletter, get it to me no later than the Wednesday afternoon before the newsletter is mailed.

Hightailer Officers and Contacts: Click the 
Officers  link.