10/5/2006 10:32 PM
I saw this on the MSTA message board, and thought the Hightailers might want to help out too: _________________________________________________________________________ From BradC:
I received this communication from Wolf River Concervancy. They are asking people to send a letter to the editor at the CA to follow up the op-ed article on Sunday September 17. The WRC letter is available to view at ------------------------------- Dear Members,
Recently the Commercial Appeal wrote Sunday op-ed pieces re: Memphis's lack of Greenways, Greenlines and Parks. We need your help in responding with Letters to the Editor - to get the attention of the political and business leadership of Greater Memphis.
Memphis is probably our last major city without substantial Greenways or Greenlines or even bike lanes. We're told by experts that we could have one of the finest park and greenway systems in America.
Help us demonstrate public support to "Green" our community so that our political and business leaders will say, "Greenways need to be a priority over more golf courses, swimming pools and community centers".
Please E-mail your Letter to the Editor to:
I"ve attached one that we wrote to provide ideas.
Research also shows that Greenways also improve property values within a half mile of Greenways. Applied to the 22 mile wolf river greenway and the 13 mile greenline rails to trails corridor, they could improve property values over 35 sq. miles of Memphis's older neighborhoods. They also increase community pride, cohesiveness and health.
It's past time folks - please write some letters and assist our efforts. Thank you!
Keith Kirkland, Executive Director Wolf River Conservancy P. O. Box 11031 Memphis, TN 38111-0031 901-452-6500 901-452-6541 fax