2/15/2015 7:14 AM
That makes 2 of us at least. Everyone who wants to join us, let's meet at the Starbucks at Poplar and White Station. 9am. You might want to wear very warm things. Even to sit inside.
From: Michael < theween@aol.com> Date: Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:05 AM Subject: Re: coffee anyone?
Joe, John and I met at the Starbucks at Poplar and White Station a few times when it rained. I'm up for that at 9.....there or anywhere else for that matter.
Sent from my iPhone
To the Sunday Coffee riders . . . So it's 22° out there and windy. Really?? If anyone wants to meet for coffee at 9am, let's go for it. We'll figure out where, per whoever wants to meet. The bike stays home.
Haavi Morreim, JD, PhD
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
College of Medicine
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
956 Court Ave., Suite G212
Memphis, TN 38163
901-755-7479 (O)
901-448-5725 (O)
901-448-1291 (fax) hmorreim@uthsc.edu