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Collierville Town Square Ride

Collierville Town Square Ride - ** TIME CHANGE - 5...
As the season winds down, the Collierville Town Square ride will start at 5:30pm. I realize some of you can't make it at this time. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we want to keep everyone safe.

Another email and Facebook post will be sent prior to the ride.

If you know you're going to ride and can lead a group, please let me or Al Len know.

There will probably be 2-4 more rides this season, then we will go into hibernation, I mean go to spin class. :)

Allen Chan

Looks like great weather for tonight's ride. We will start at 5:30. We need a ride leader for the C group. If we don't find someone, the B and C group will merge and ride around 15 - 16 avg. please bring lights. 

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