11/21/2008 4:06 AM
I totally agree. It was very nice. Maybe in the future more of our members will come out. The Soldiers were awesome! The SCSO & MPD motorcycle escorts were fantastic! Hats off to everyone involved.
I must admit that Erserline and I got separated from the group and ended up without an escort for awhile (we stopped at the store at WG & GTP). But we got in I think 32 total miles one way (from home), but sadly could not ride back home due to that afternoons increasingly strong headwinds that we would have faced all the way home. We were kaput after spending all that rest time at the reception and the fact that we had just gotten off work that morning at 0630 hours.
But again, it was very nice and hopefully more riders will come out to support this great group in the future.
11/11/2008 9:37 AM
Although we did not have a great turnout for last week's WWP Soldier Ride, those of us who rode were truly inspired by the dedication and sacrifice of the veterans. The weather was great and having a police escort down Union and Walnut Grove made for a wonderful ride. Thanks for those who came out. I know you feel as I do that we are blessed to have so many willing to give to their country on our behalf. Maybe you saw the picture in the paper. Thanks Cliff for the publicity.