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Ride Reports

BCB 100 Ride
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I love the current route. It is both urban and rural. Riding into Memphis at the end and hanging out on Beale Street makes it special. (although most people were gone by the time I finished)
A big thanks to Barry Smith and ALL the volunteers for your help. These rides would not take place without them.
Lend a hand for one or two rides next year to keep our club strong.
First let me say that I've been a member for a few months now and Hightailer members are a bunch of the best people I've had the pleasure of meeting and riding with. I started road cycling I guess you could say this past Spring and this was my very first century (It almost killed me, LOL!, but I made it).

I really thought everything was fine, the sags were great and I enjoyed the route (even the hill that got the best of me). However with this being for Le Bonheur, I expected a larger turnout. A co-rider rode the Big Dam Bridge 100 the weekend before and I believe he said there must have been 1400 or so riders. I think the BCB lacks proper publicity and media! Le Bonheur is nationally known and I think we could get a whole lot of supporters (riders) here for the BCB if we use the internet search engine or get into more cycling links (however that's done). My point is if you "google" our BCB you will not get but 1or 2 hits. If you "google" Big Dam Bridge 100 you get about 6 or 7 PAGES. I mean if Le Bonheur could maybe use there "long arms" to get publicity on this thing or yourself, I think next year could have an awesome turnout. I looked in Bicycling Magazine under events for October and we (BCB 100) are NOT, but I think we Should be in that magazine! I could be wrong, but I don't think the BCB100 was in the Downtowner publication's events either.

I found this link from our neighbors in Clarksville, TN. They only had about 30 members 09/2007, but they had like 960 riders on the century, The Sunshine Century Bike Ride!
You can copy and paste this link to watch it. This is a really nice video! Btw, they had some guys do the century in under 4 hours, WOW!

Sorry So Long!
I enjoyed the route just fine. The SAGs were very well done. I ride a lot downtown so the traffic was not a big deal. Lots of things going on that weekend, and the weeks prior. Maybe people just get burned out be October with riding?
The board will be meeting on Monday to discuss possible new locations for the century if we decide to move it. North MS will be considered. Starting in the Shelby Forest area will also be considered.
BTW I like the route just fine. What about a route that would start at one of the Casinos? The ride could go around some of the oxbow lakes and some into the north MS hills.
The ride was the same day as the 12 hours of Stanky race and the Tour De Cape. I know several Memphis folks who went to the TdC. Try to pick a date that dose not conflict with so many other events.
I've enjoyed the ride the last two years but after you get past Mud Island, there are several miles that aren't safe or very nice to ride through.

Starting in Shelby Forest or moving the route out East would seem like a safer route.
Here is a chance for our members to give us some feedback on our Century. This event is not growing, why? Please help us with your comments to prepare for next year.
I don't like starting downtown. At 8:00 AM , no problem with traffic, but if you do the 100 miler by the time you get back its early afternoon and the traffic is much heavier in the downtown area. Also the road adjacent to the airport is just plain dangerous (narrow rode & high speed traffic) in the early and mid afternoon.

I remember one or two century's in the early 90's that left out of Bolton H.S. There was very little traffic. Granted, traffic has increased all over the county in the last 15 years, but I think it makes more sense to start the ride out in the county rather then downtown Memphis.

With that being said, I done the ride the last 3 years and overall enjoyed the experience, and I appreicate all the hard work that goes into making the ride happen.
Please give us your thoughts on the route. Was it a good route? Were the roads okay? Was it marked correctly? If not, where did you encounter some problems? Do you enjoy starting Downtown? All comments are welcome.
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