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Sharing the Roads-- Which Roads?

Speaking of Share the Road...
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I did check with and Benny Dix told me that they tried a few years ago and to let him know if they can do anything to help should someone decide to spearhead another effort.
I'd be interested in this also. You could check with the midsouth share the road : They might have some info on this.
I would love for the local government to support bikes with more signs on the roads advising motorists to share and yield. I've seen signs in Arizona telling drivers to yield to bikes in certain merging situations.
I know there was a push about 2 years ago to get a share the road tag in tennesse but they didn't get enough people to send in I think it was like 25 dollars which I did but they fell short. I was told that it was a one time shot and couldn't be ask for again. Maybe someone out there has more details. I would also like a tag.
Does anyone know what it takes to have the state authorize a specialty license plate? I have seen plates in other states that say "Share the Road" and has some sort of bike design. I would love to have one and know that you have to have a certain number of people sign up before they will approve a new plate but does anyone know any more details about this?
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