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Midtown to Shelby Forest?
Hi everyone. Tonight I heard that the best way to get to Shelby Forest from the Midtown area is back in there past that little airport kind of north of Auction. I'm kind of familiar with that street, but I didn't know you could take it all the way into Northhaven. I thought it just spit you out in Frayser on Whitney (?) at Hwy 51. It's been a while and I've never done it on a bike. Does anyone who takes it want to post the route? Thanks! Ashley
David Rhea
Ashley - from Harbor Town you go north and take a left on Benjestown Rd.  Then you can follow the MRT (Mississipi River Trail) signs, sort of...  IIt gets a little confusing the first time, but I can show you on a map.  Look for me if you make the RWB ride this Saturday and bring a spare city map that I can mark on. 
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