5/24/2006 1:30 PM
What do you think is the best energy bar? I like the Snickers Marathon bar, but is that as good as others? What are your suggestions?
5/25/2006 12:46 PM
Are you training for something in particular or just looking for easy, convenient nourishment for a long ride?
On my long rides I do just as well with a baggie of trail mix or a pack of Nabs. I haven't noticed any improvment in my endurance, overall performance or recovery, whether I use bars or snack food. My personal "go juice" is freshly brewed tea, sweetened w/honey and a scoop or two or orange GA. Works for me and tastes better than some of the sports drinks. My pre-ride breakfast is an egg mcmuffin w/o cheese. It's a good combo of carbs, protein and unsaturated fat.
I used Accelerade and Endurox for one summer. I may have had a little better recovery but I didn't like the flavors and they weren't worth the expense.
I know a lot of my friends swear by the electrolyte caps but I haven't tried them.
I'm a nurse practitioner and nutrition is a personal interest of mine. I've read some of the research on some of the sports products. I haven't seen any large, well controlled studies that convincingly prove one product is a lot better than another. If there was good research supporting a particular product we'd all have heard about it.
The only information that has been consistent relates to the benefits of caffeine. But recent research now contradicts some of those previously held beliefs.
So it think it's really a matter of personal choice, whatever works best for you.
Good grief, I hope this wasn't TMI!!
I do know that after a ride I really enjoy a cold beer. Wonder what's the physiologic explanation for that???
5/25/2006 3:59 PM
Hi Shawn. I like Cliff bars. (Not because of their name, although I think it is a great name). They were created by a guy on a 150 mile bike ride after he got sick of power bars. They work pretty well for me, and they aren't full of chemicals I can't pronounce.
I can't eat those marathon bars-- too hard and chewy for my teeth.
5/26/2006 9:24 AM
I guess I was just talking in general, you know, something to have if you get hungry on the ride. That's a good idea about the trail mix. I do find it difficult to get down Powerbars and energy bars in general. I got sick on the Fall Century ride a couple of years ago and lets just say 3 hours after I ate the Powerbar it still looked the same. They all seem to have a mineral taste to them too.. I'll have to try the Cliff bars (although I think Mr. Heegel gets a kickback from the company).
I do have problems drinking anything like Gatorade or Acclerade, or generally anything with flavoring. I guess I'm so used to water.
Good idea on the McMuffin, by pure coincedence I do the same thing! Huh, I also do the same thing with beer . . .
5/26/2006 1:04 PM
Its not a power bar, but I prefer the Hammer Gels. I really like the apple cinnamon, it tastes just like a McDonalds apple pie. I thought everyone liked beer for
6/7/2006 11:27 AM
I especially enjoy the Organic Food Bar brand. I think that they are quite a bit healthier than candy bars. The bars are enzyme-active due to sprouted ingredients. Since the Organic Food Bars aren't high in refined sugars, I don't get the yo-yo effect from the other, so-called health bars. Since they're vegetarian, organic, and raw; they meet my dietary requirements. My favorite flavor is blueberry. I purchase mine at Wild Oats, or if I'm out-of-town, at Whole Foods.
7/3/2006 9:49 PM
I usually eat the Sunbelt chewy granola bars or take Skittles. Whatever you choose make sure you try it out close to home just in case it don't agree with your tummy. Drink of choice "when riding" gatorade.
7/8/2006 10:14 AM
I've become attached to the Jelly Belly Sport Beans. The orange ones provide a burst of flavor that is perfect after a less than tasty gel. They are easy to drop while riding but are easy to eat during breaks. Supposedly high in electrolytes.
3/14/2013 7:42 PM
I prefer the Cliff bars because they are delicious, have the extra calories we need onan epic ride, and theyr'e usually on sale in Kroger 10/$10. I've also been introduced last year to Honey Stingers. They're a waffle type bar infused with honey. They have several flavors and I like them all. On really hot days, I take a few mustard packets with me for extra sodium. Not really an energy bar, but helps with cramps.