2/20/2013 9:17 AM
That absolutely makes sense! Not sure why I didn't put two and two together when I was guided out there and back once before. Now I'm super excited and can't wait to get on my cold weather gear and head down there and check it out again (:
2/19/2013 12:20 PM
I thought a little more about where you are getting confused. Perhaps a little more direction is indicated: the Wolf River Greenway is always between the river and Humphreys/Wolf River Blvd. There are a couple of turns that go out to the road, Once you turn left across the bridge, just keep following the river. There are several places where you might go on a fork that returns to the road, those are always the forks that go right. You always want to take the left fork, i.e. follow the river. There is a real 90* left turn right after the cell tower to cross a swampy bridge. Again you are always turning to the left and always following the river. There is another sharp left turn to cross another bridge after you pass behind Sutherland Cardiology, again go left. You will end at Stern's Cardiac clinic.
We don't stop playing when we get old...we get old when we stop playing.
2/19/2013 11:42 AM
Ah...that makes it easy. When you cross Walnut Grove at Farm Road, you are going south. Just keep going south and you will come to the Wolf River pedestrian bridge. Cross the bridge and turn left. You're there.
We don't stop playing when we get old...we get old when we stop playing.
2/19/2013 11:34 AM
No doubt, this helps me a lot! I've cycled the Green Line and Shelby Farms (I have a road bike, so only the paved paths) ...I have had trouble finding my way after crossing Walnut Grove to take the proper turns to get to the end where it comes out to the cardiology clinic.
2/19/2013 11:17 AM
I ride through SF to Tillman from Cordova all the time. Problem is, I'm not understanding where it is you want to go when you get to SF. Are you riding a road bike or a mountain bike? Once you get to SF, are you looking for the Tour d'Wolf trails (mountain bike), the Wolf River Trails (mountain bike dirt tracks on the N bank of the Wolf River) or the the Wolf River Greenway (asphalt trail on the S bank of the Wolf River). This is the one that is sponsored by the Wolf River Conservancy.
Assuming that you are trying to hook up with the WR Greenway: take the Greenline until it ends across the street (Mullins Station Road) from the Shelby Farms Conservancy office (and Code Enforcement). Cross Mullins Station Road at the crosswalk and take the path between the SF Conservancy office and Farm Road and start crossing Shelby Farms. This trail comes to a junction with other trails..just stay to the right and keep going to the Visitors Center. Go down the hill past the west end of Patriot Lake and follow the path that is on the east side of Farm Road and cross Walnut Grove. Continue on the bike bath south towards the river until you cross the pedestrian bridge over the Wolf River. CAUTION: They have been working on the bridge all winter to replace the decking and it has been closed most of the winter. I just called the park and the bridge is open now. If the bridge is not open, it really wouldn't be worth the bother to go around to Walnut Grove. On a road bike, it gets a little dicey getting around to the Walnut Grove bridge over the Wolf River. Just go back and go home. If the pedestrian bridge is open, cross the pedestrian bridge turn left and you are on the Greenway. It goes about 4 miles and goes under Gemantown Road and ends about 1/2 mile later at Farmington Road. If you got on at Tillman went all the to SF, cross the river and go east on the Greenway all the way to Farminton, that would be about 12 miles (24 round trip). If you really want to make it to the Greenway, call the Shelby Farms Park office before you leave and make sure that the Wolf River pedestrian bridge is open. If it's not, it's easier to get off the Greenline at Podesta and make your way east to Yates and cross Yates to Shady Grove, turn left, east, and take the bike lane on Shady Grove east until it ends at the Greenway across Humphreys Blvd. Hope this helps.
We don't stop playing when we get old...we get old when we stop playing.
2/19/2013 10:39 AM
I'm not very certain of the Wolf River Conservancy map, and I tend to get turned around on occasion. I am trying to cycle out and back from the Green Line starting @ Tillman and want to go through Shelby Farms and the connector down to the end of the Wolf River Conservancy. Can anyone give me fail proof turn by turn directions? I just need a good starter road bike route until I can get my bearings of the Wolf River trails. Thanks!