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UMCA Year-Rounder

Fwd: Invitation to Bikes Blues and Bayous in Green...

Forwarding this message from Rita Pfeifer, which you may have already received.  I've registered for the 58 mile tour and am thinking this might be a good ride to expand into our century ride for August.  I'm planning on staying overnight - blues & BBQ is a draw! - however, it's certainly possible to come back to Memphis afterwards for those who so desire or find it difficult to be away from home overnight.  If you are interested in riding - either as a century or the 58 mile tour only - then click on the link below.  Time is critical if you are planning on staying overnight as rooms will become scarce.  The ride is shooting for 600 participants, with the roster currently showing 250.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Rita Pfeifer <>
Subject: Invitation to Bikes Blues and Bayous in Greenwood MS
Date: June 21, 2012 7:30:00 PM CDT
To: Danny Wilson <>, Bill Ramia <>, Matt Gherker <>, Bill Kenner <>, Rob Hunter <>, Ted Cashion <>

Check out the link below for info on the BBB ride. Aug 4, variety of distances, flat-flat-flat, and some nice goodies for riders.
AND, we could pair it up with the "Help" tour or check out some local blues establishments after the ride. It's a 2 hour drive so it's feasible to drive down Saturday morning, ride, play  and drive home Sunday.
Let's get a Memphis contingent together! I'm already signed up.
Need to hear from you soon as accomodations are filling up. The Alluvian, B&Bs and Tallahatchie Flats are full but there are several motels in town.
Rob, would you please forward to your email list? This is a good ride for a beginners first distance ride.


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