4/14/2011 7:10 PM
We are looking for people that may be interested in testing out the following routes for us. If you are interested email us at directorofrides@memphishightailers.com and we will send you additional details.
Downtown #10 - roughly Linden-Peabody, Belvedere, N Parkway, Front North Memphis #20 - roughly N. Parkway, McLean, James-Delano-Baskin-Whitney !!, N 2nd-Island Dr some parts labeled "should be ridden only by experienced adult riders" (!)
Raleigh Frayser #30 - apparently a nice route but lots of jags roughly James, windy thru neighborhoods to:, Ral-Frayse/Raleigh, Rangeline, St. Elmo, Overton Crossing, Whitney, Baskin-Delano-James