3/31/2011 10:20 AM
In order to JOIN a forum you must first sign in as a member and then go to your personal PROFILE which is a link you will find next to your name at the top right of the web page. Look for FORUM MEMBERSHIPS, and then you will see a listing of the available forums. On the right side of the screen will be options to JOIN or EDIT. If you are already a member of a forum, you can choose EDIT in order to cancel you interest in the forum, or click on JOIN to join it. You can join as many of the forums as you like.
As a member of a forum, you will get an email whenever someone posts a comment or message into the forum. If you would like to respond to the comment you can simply hit REPLY in your email program and the email will go to the other forum members automatically. In other words, unless you are trying to initiate a new topic of conversation (thread), you do not need to go to the MHBC website and log in and go to the forum.
Hope that helps.